Outpatient Drug Rehab Near Princeton

Outpatient Drug Rehab Near Princeton

If you or someone you love in the Princeton, NJ area are considering rehab but are worried about taking time off work or school then outpatient rehab may be the right choice. Keep reading to learn how Quantum Behavioral Health Services will tailor an outpatient program to suit your unique needs as an individual, and support you and your family as you become the person you’re meant to be.

Is Outpatient Drug Rehab The Right Fit?

It might surprise you that 10% of Americans develop a substance use disorder, commonly referred to as an addiction to drugs or alcohol, at some point in their lives. That’s over 33 million people! Drugs are also the leading cause of arrests in the US, with over 1.5 million arrests for possession in 2020. If you have been struggling with addiction, you are not alone. The vast majority of Americans need to keep working to eat and provide for their families, and many others attend college or University, so carving out time to properly address a substance use disorder is easier said than done in many cases -especially for those who may also take care of children or have the responsibility of other dependents. Everyone has responsibilities and obligations, and we understand this at Quantum. 

Drug use has significant associated risks, and overdose deaths have drastically increased over the past decade. The widespread use of fentanyl in street drugs is causing more overdoes than ever before, so there has never been a more critical time to get the help you need for addiction than the present. While the many types of rehab and levels of care may seem daunting, especially if you are in the beginning stages of your research, all program types and levels of care may not be required for your situation. The best type of addiction treatment will be a program that accounts for your needs and is custom-tailored to your specific circumstances.

Many people who develop substance use disorders also have a co-occurring, undiagnosed mental health disorder. This is called a dual diagnosis, and up to 45% of people experience both at the same time. Our staff at Quantum are experts in treating both substance abuse and any co-occurring illness. Participating in our outpatient rehab programs will allow you to attend therapy but also allow you to return home to fulfill your responsibilities to your family. 

What Happens During Outpatient Drug Rehab?

When you contact our call team you’ll begin the intake process. Our staff will conduct an interview that will assess your current drug and alcohol use and determine what level or levels of outpatient care will offer the best fit. We’ll also perform a full biopsychosocial assessment, which allows us to tailor therapy programs to your needs as an individual. Once you’ve met with your case manager and have chosen the therapies and programs that fit your lifestyle you’ll begin treatment. 

Our outpatient programs fall into three categories, defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. All of our programs are evidence-based.


Partial Care Program

A Partial Care Program (PC) typically includes an average of 20 hours a week of therapy sessions that take place during the day. This could be a viable option for individuals who are dealing with co-occurring disorders and require a higher level of support but do not necessarily need 24-hour supervision. The benefit of outpatient programs is that the associated cost is lower than it would be for inpatient programs.

Intensive Outpatient Program

If you admit to an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), you can expect to attend a minimum of 9 hours of therapy sessions per week, and these are typically structured around the work day. Sessions are normally held before or after work, on the weekends, or in the evenings. This flexibility allows you to continue to work or attend classes full-time.

Outpatient Care 

A typical Outpatient Care Program (OP) will have you attending 9 hours or less per week of therapy sessions. It’s an excellent fit for those wanting extra support as they continue to progress in their recovery. You remain in control of your therapy and recovery at all times at Quantum Behavioral, regardless of what your insurance company might say. Your needs and progress determine your next steps in your recovery, not your insurance provider. You will never wonder if you’ll be able to see your therapist in a timely manner at Quantum.

During your time at Quantum Behavioral you will participate in many different types of trauma-informed, evidence-based therapy, including but not limited to

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Meditation 
  • Mindfulness Practices
  • Yoga
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Medical Therapy (VIVITROL)
  • Group Therapy

Drug Rehab that Allows You to Continue Working or Going to School

If you’re unable to take time off of work or are responsible for small children, the idea of being unavailable to attend to those obligations can be daunting. Don’t let that fear prevent you from accessing the help you need to begin the process of recovery. Overdose deaths have tripled in the last 30 years, and although it may be tough to balance recovery with obligations, you can’t balance anything if you’re dead. Drug and alcohol use is hard on the body, especially over prolonged periods of time. Your family wants and needs you to be healthy and happy, and an outpatient rehab program may be the catalyst you need to develop new habits. If your addiction is mild to moderate, you will be able to attend therapy with minimal disruption to your life in our outpatient programs.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Near Princeton

No matter what program you choose, our staff at Quantum cares deeply about your success. Our staff are highly educated and experienced in addiction treatment, as well as all co-occurring disorders. Our programs are accredited by the Joint Commission, an organization dedicated to patient safety that holds facilities and treatment programs to the highest standard. We not only focus on the medical and psychological aspects of substance use disorders but spiritual as well. Our whole-person approach to treatment gives you the best chance of staying in recovery. If you or someone you love in Princeton is living with addiction don’t wait, call us today. You are not alone in your struggle, allow our staff at Quantum Behavioral the privilege of caring for you as you learn and grow in your path to recovery.