How To Go To Drug Rehab Without Losing Your Job

For addicts considering or in recovery, social stigma and anxiety over losing their job could prevent them from seeking treatment necessary for sober living. Committing to addiction treatment can feel fraught. However, drug and alcohol abuse left untreated could impact job stability, so prioritizing rehab and recovery is paramount. Many treatment centers have programs which adapt to employment needs. Keep reading to learn about some laws which may help dispel rehab-related job fears.
Can I Be Fired For Going To Drug Rehab?
Any employer has the right to terminate any employee who actively uses drugs and alcohol while on the clock, or if substance creates an unsafe environment or negatively impacts job performance. However, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) offer protections for addicts seeking rehabilitative care.
The ADA states that individuals seeking substance abuse treatment on a voluntary basis can’t be fired for attending rehab, or for past mistakes from drug and alcohol abuse. The ADA also has protections against workplace discrimination for people in recovery. The FMLA provides allowances for an individual to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend family or health concerns without fear of being fired. Drug and alcohol addiction at treatment centers qualifies as a medical reason required for the 12-week sabbatical. Recovery patients won’t lose access to their group health benefits during that time. In addition to federal rights, some states provide further protections under the law.
The Fear of Going To Drug Rehab While Employed
Besides the protections allowed in the law, many companies have procedures for employees to follow, which may alleviate some of the fear. People seeking treatment should refer to any work documents, like employee handbooks, that outline company’s policies for drug and alcohol use, rehabilitation, and medical leave policies. Human resources can usually provide copies of these documents or offer clarifications for any questions.
If done properly, talking with an employer about recovery could aid in coping with triggers in the workplace and help create a well-rounded mode of sober living. Knowing one’s rights may help with confidence in communicating with an employer about drug and alcohol rehab. Even if a person seeking treatment wishes to be open and honest, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects confidentiality of an individual’s mental health and medical information.
Flexible Drug Rehab Programs
Quantum Behavioral Health Services offers three levels of outpatient care as part of a larger network providing a full continuum of recovery care.
- Partial Care: Designed to address substance use disorder as well as other co-occurring disorders. Treatment services are provided during the day, which allows patients to maintain some obligations at home while still getting treatment
- Intensive Outpatient Care: Treats addiction alongside other mental health diagnoses. Services are often provided before or after the workday, on weekends, or in the evening.
- Outpatient Care: Offer therapeutic approaches to recovery and support to patients as they continue to stay well.
Each recovery program differs along an individual’s needs, including those related to employment. Quantum strives to holistically tailor an approach to patients’ needs and goals. A whole-person approach to treatment is the surest way to support recovering patients, their families, and their livelihoods.
Attending Quantum Drug Rehab While Going To Work
Quantum’s facility is an inviting, cozy, and secure environment that provides safety, comfort, and privacy for patients receiving drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and dual diagnosis treatments. The space applies a thoughtful design to structure recovery of substance abusers the top priority. The low-stress environment makes sure a patient feels connected to the people who can help them along their sober living journey.
If you’re feeling unsure about the impact rehab treatment will have on your employment, contact Quantum for help and guidance on the best approaches to preserve your job while entering recovery at (609) 993-0733.