Penalties for Possession of Fentanyl in New Jersey

Fentanyl Related Crimes
Although it’s true that fentanyl is considered to be a legal prescription medication, there are many people who are struggling with substance abuse who look to illegal methods of obtaining this potentially fatal prescription drug. If you are charged with fentanyl possession charges in New Jersey, it’s possible that your entire life could be turned upside down in more ways than one. You could be facing hard jail time as well as fines and costs that could completely side track or destroy the goals that you have for your life.
Fentanyl Possession Charges in New Jersey
There are several different criminal fentanyl possession charges in New Jersey that a person can face if they are found to have this substance. One example of a charge that you could face if you are caught with fentanyl is coded under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1) which comes along with a five year prison term as well as the potential of facing $35,000 in fines. This is classified as a third degree crime.
There is also a fourth degree crime that you could face as the result of fentanyl possession. If you are found guilty of this offense, you could face a prison term that lasts anywhere between 18 months and still be held accountable for certain fines and costs.

Distribution & Possession With Intent to Distribute Fentanyl
While being in possession illegally with fentanyl is something that could get you in serious trouble, if you have over a certain amount of illegal fentanyl, you could be facing further charges and issues. If you’re found with a high amount of fentanyl, you could put yourself in a position of experiencing more severe charges when it comes to possible distribution or possession with the intent to distribute. Similar to general possession, these two charges come with both fines as well as jail time which is something that could be devastating when it comes to the goals that you have for yourself and your life.
Help for Fentanyl Addiction
It’s important to remember that while there are certainly criminal consequences associated with fentanyl possession, there are other physical and psychological consequences of this type of addiction as well.
Admitting that you have a problem and you need help for your fentanyl addiction is the first step in your recovery journey. This is often one of the most challenging steps for many people because it means that they need to make a complete and total change in their life. However, once you openly admit that you have an addiction, you will see that a world of change will come along with it.
For many people, once they admit that they have a problem, the next step is to complete a comprehensive fentanyl detox program to ensure that they have the physical and psychological support that they need as their body begins to make adjustments towards sobriety. Fentanyl detox is something that lasts approximately seven days with the worst of your withdrawal symptoms developing within the first 72 hours of the time that you’re in detox. One of the potentially fatal mistakes that people make is that they think that they can skip the formal detox process and go through the withdrawal phase of their recovery at home. Although it’s understandable that you may think that you would feel more comfortable at home, the reality is that this is a potentially deadly misstep. You should always be cared for by a team of addiction experts to ensure that you have the care that you need at this stage of your recovery.
Although detox will provide you with the basis of what you need to recover from your substance abuse, the reality is that detox is not enough to work through all of the contributing factors of your substance abuse. This is something that will come during an inpatient or an outpatient treatment program. Inpatient treatment gives you the opportunity to live on our campus throughout your treatment which provides you with the safe and sober environment that you need as you begin to work through the contributing factors of your substance abuse.
Inpatient treatment isn’t the only option that you have when you’re ready to leave your issues with fentanyl in your past. If you have work or school responsibilities, it may be difficult if not impossible for you to commit to an inpatient treatment program. Therefore, an outpatient treatment program may be the best option for you. At Quantum, we offer intensive outpatient treatment as well as partial hospitalization treatment which gives you the flexibility that you need to continue to work or go to school while getting the help and the care that you need. Remember, you can also transition into an outpatient treatment program following
Quantum Fentanyl Addiction Treatment
At Quantum, we have experience in helping individuals throughout not only the state of New Jersey but throughout the country to overcome their fentanyl addiction. We understand that the genesis of addiction is different for every person which is the leading reason why we strive to provide our clients with the personalized addiction treatment care that they need. As part of our treatment programs, you will participate in different forms of addiction therapy so that you can come to a better understanding of the root cause of your substance abuse. Here are just a few examples of addiction therapy that you will participate in during the course of your treatment:
- Behavioral therapy
Unfortunately, destructive behavior and substance abuse often go hand in hand. As you participate in behavioral therapy, you will begin to learn what steps you need to take to identify and correct this negative behavior so that it isn’t something that impacts your sobriety going forward. - Individual therapy
During individual therapy, you will be able to speak with your treatment team in a more personalized setting. There are many people who feel uncomfortable talking about certain issues in a group setting. Therefore individual therapy can provide you with the environment that you need to talk about these issues so that you can heal and recover from them. - Group therapy
Group therapy is something that can provide you with the support that you need from other people who are going through their own form of treatment. You will notice that group therapy is similar to an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the sense that you will be able to share more about the topic at hand and also have the chance to listen to the thoughts and experiences of others that are working through their own treatment program. The support that you feel from your group therapy is something that can help you to continue on in your recovery journey.
To learn more about the treatment options that we have for Fentanyl addiction, we encourage you to get in touch with our intake team today. Our team is available around the clock so that we can help to get you started on your recovery journey. Regardless of whether this is your first time attempting fentanyl treatment or you have tried and relapsed in the past, you can take comfort in the fact that our team will provide you with the personalized treatment that you need. For more information, get in touch with our team today at (609) 993-0733!