
At Quantum Behavioral Health Services, our programs are tailored to your needs. Our team considers you as a whole person when exploring the best course of treatment.

We use research-based best practices when creating any treatment plan. Therefore, our services fall under one of these three levels of care – PC, IOP, or OP – as designated by the American Society of Addiction Medicine:

Partial Care (PC)

This level of care includes twenty (20) or more hours of services provided each week and addresses physical, mental, and emotional instability that doesn’t require around the clock care. This level of care is designed to support you whether you have a substance use disorder or have other co-occurring challenges or disorders as well. Services are typically provided during the day so that you receive the highest level of support we can provide.

Intensive Outpatient Care (IOP)

This level of care is typically made up of nine (9) or more hours and addresses the physical, psychological, and emotional challenges you face whether you’re dealing with an addiction or an addiction alongside other mental health diagnoses. Intensive Outpatient Care services are provided with flexible scheduling so you can fully commit to your recovery while still maintaining your responsibilities at home and any work or school obligations.

Ways Drugs and Alcohol Impact the Immune System

Outpatient Care (OP)

Outpatient care describes services provided for less than 9 hours each week. Outpatient services are designed to offer therapeutic approaches to recovery and to support you as you continue to stay well.

And you won’t have to worry about whether your insurance says you “need to step down” your treatment level. At Quantum, your progress and the level of support you need is what decides your next best step, not insurance.

While these are the overall levels of care we provide, we go above and beyond state requirements, push beyond standards of excellence, and make sure you never have to wonder “Will I get to see my counselor today?”.

By thoughtful design, our facility is structured so that your recovery is our top priority and we make sure you are connected to the people who can help you get there and stay well.

Get Well. Stay Well.

So, whether you need partial care or outpatient services, our Quantum staff is ready to help you restore hope and peace of mind.

Want to talk to someone who can help?


“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
– Desmond Tutu

drug rehab brick nj

Treatment Modalities

Our team uses a variety of treatment modalities and personalizes the ones we use with you so that your treatment is the right fit for your needs, preferences, and goals. Some of the treatment modalities we offer include traditional counseling, meditation and yoga, art and music therapy, Vivitrol treatments, and other evidence-based practices. We also encourage you to join a 12-step program for support beyond our walls as well.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

Are You Ready to Begin Your Journey to Recovery?

You could be completely covered. Verify Your Insurance Today.

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