An addiction treatment facility should provide a warm, inviting, and secure environment that offers individuals comfort, safety, and privacy as they receive treatment and continue down the path to wellness. At Quantum Behavioral Health, we have designed our space to allow for a low-stress environment where all of our clients can focus on their well-being and prioritize recovery.

We also hold cleanliness and safety as top priorities at our addiction treatment facility, and even several years after the COVID19 pandemic, we have continued the cleaning and disinfecting protocols we developed during the pandemic to create a clean environment for our patients, staff, and visitors.

You are here to get well, and we make the promise to all of our clients to maintain a safe, clean, peaceful, and welcoming environment for healing and recovery.

To see our initial response to Covid-19, click here.

Are You Ready to Begin Your Journey to Recovery?

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health

Clients often prefer Quantum because of our focus on individually tailored treatment plans and outpatient programs. While it’s important to note that outpatient treatment isn’t the right for every individual, our clients are able to receive the support they need while still retaining the freedom to work, attend school, or care for their families while completing their substance abuse treatment program. Our therapists provide empathetic care in our safe, positive treatment setting. With our help, you can put your addiction behind you and lead a more healthful and rewarding life.

Outpatient Alcohol Treatment with a Focus on Forever

Outpatient alcohol addiction treatment focuses on addressing the psychological and behavioral aspects of substance use disorders. Individuals who are deemed medically stable, in that they have already eliminated the alcohol toxins from their body and are not experiencing any serious withdrawal symptoms, can transition to an outpatient alcohol treatment program. At Quantum Behavioral Health, we design our outpatient alcohol treatment programs to support long-term recovery through a variety of outpatient programs that offer different levels of support tailored to individual needs. Although the treatment facilities at Quantum do not support more intensive alcohol treatment services, several esteemed partners in our treatment provider network do, and we will help ensure that our side of the transition from a more intensive alcohol treatment program to one of our outpatient alcohol treatment programs goes as smoothly as possible. At Quantum, our outpatient alcohol addiction treatment methods place emphasis is on sustainable recovery strategies and personal growth.

Drug Addiction Treatment Near Princeton, NJ

Outpatient drug addiction treatment at Quantum Behavioral Health focuses on comprehensive recovery strategies following the initial phases of more intensive addiction treatment. Individuals who have completed a more intensive treatment program at another facility and individuals who may not require an intensive level of care can admit to our partial care or intensive outpatient drug addiction treatment programs. While Quantum does not offer the more intensive levels of care, we collaborate closely with esteemed partner centers that do. For any individuals who require more intensive treatment before coming to Quantum, we will help ensure they feel as comfortable as possible on our side of the transition into partial care or intensive outpatient treatment. The outpatient drug addiction treatment programs we offer at Quantum Behavioral Health provide the necessary support to address the psychological and behavioral components of addiction, promoting long-term recovery and personal development.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near Princeton, NJ

In addition to our outpatient drug addiction treatment programs, we also offer outpatient alcohol treatment at Quantum Behavioral Health. Alcoholism affects tens of thousands of NJ residents, and it impacts millions of individuals across the United States every single day. Individuals who are struggling with alcoholism and are looking for alcohol rehab near Princeton, NJ can take solace in knowing that the quality outpatient programs at Quantum Behavioral Health are only about an hour away. Through individualized treatment plans, private therapy sessions, and holistic group therapies, we work to provide our clients the support they need to achieve and maintain longterm sobriety. While it may sometimes feel impossible to overcome a dependance on alcohol, the staff at Quantum will help show you that recovery is possible. You CAN get sober, and we can help you.

Drug Rehab in Princeton

An addiction to prescription drugs or illicit drugs is serious and, as statistics show, can be life threatening or even deadly. Substance addiction will lead to the deterioration of mental and physical health; no user knows exactly when or at what point the damage done to their bodies will be permanent. The sooner drug addiction is managed with abstinence, the better. Drug rehab at Quantum targets the mental and behavioral aspects of drug addiction. If you’re addicted to opioids, cocaine, or some other drug, you can develop the strategies needed to stay away from these substances and protect your recovery.

How Much Does Rehab Cost in Princeton?

The cost of rehab varies depending on the level of support that clients need. Quantum features partial care programs, intensive outpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment as well as dual diagnosis treatment programs. Many clients have insurance plans that provide coverage for rehab treatment as well as mental healthcare. Ideally, clients should contact Quantum to discuss their individual insurance plans and treatment needs.

How Long Is Addiction Treatment?

The recovery process from addiction is different for each individual, just as the recovery process from any physical injury or other condition would be unique to the specific injury or condition and unique to the individual. While some individuals find stability more quickly and more easily, other individuals may struggle a bit more or struggle for a bit longer. For these reasons, among many others, it is impossible to predict how long addiction treatment will last  without first learning more about the individual who is seeking help. At Quantum Behavioral Health, we have an easy admissions process that allows our team to get to know each client, while also ensuring that the process of getting the help you need doesn’t take a minute longer than it has to. The idea is to get the support you need. Recovery can be a slower process for some, and a faster process for others – the importance is the quality of care received, not the length of the program.

Additional Therapies & Treatments

Quantum Behavioral Health features outpatient rehab programs, including partial care treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, and outpatient programs. Each of these programs not only includes evidence based rehab treatments, but also alternative treatments and holistic therapies. Each of these therapies can support lasting recovery. Alternative treatments like art therapy, yoga, and acupuncture can address different aspects of the recovery process. It’s not surprising that some clients find some therapies more advantageous than others. This makes recovery more flexible and a better fit for their treatment needs.

Does My Insurance Have Coverage For Rehab?

The Affordable Care Act provided legislation that requires medical insurance providers to cover mental health treatment and substance abuse treatment. Providers must provide a minimum level of coverage outlined by the ACA. Some insurance carriers go far beyond the minimum. When you contact Quantum Behavioral Health, we can help you determine what your provider will cover and how much coverage your plan entitles you to. Whether you have Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, or some other medical insurance, you should have some level of coverage for the treatment you need.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a core treatment at Quantum as well as other clinically driven treatment programs around the country. During cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, therapists will help clients reflect on their triggers, to identify them so that they can develop strategies to manage them. Therapists help clients to find the connections between their behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Understanding the connections is the first step to managing them more effectively so that relapse can be prevented.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral therapy is another medically sanctioned addiction treatment. During DBT, therapists focus on strategies that clients can use to tolerate emotional distress better. Distress tolerance is important because, as clients know, life can become emotionally difficult. Finding ways to cope with distress in healthy ways is part of a relapse prevention strategy. Managing difficult emotions is crucial for maintaining sobriety as these emotions often pave the way to relapse.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

During rational emotive behavioral therapy, a therapist works with clients to help them confront their unhealthy thoughts. A person’s thoughts can trigger alcohol or drug abuse as well as other unhealthy behaviors. When people have irrational beliefs and thoughts, it can lead them to behave in negative ways. Feeling excessively guilty or bad about a mistake or feeling that life has to be ‘perfect’ in order to be happy are problematic when they lead to unhealthy behaviors. Therapists help clients reframe their thoughts so that they can arrive at more realistic perspectives about triggering issues.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Roughly a third of individuals with a substance abuse problem also have a dual diagnosis. This means that they have a mental health condition in addition to their drug or alcohol addiction. The best way to treat dual diagnosis is simultaneously. Our rehab center can provide treatment for cooccurring disorders. If you’re suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, depression, or another mental illness, we can help you manage it along with your addiction. In many cases, both therapy and medication management can help. 


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is used to treat patients who are struggling with past trauma. Unlike traditional talk therapies, EMDR works to change where memories are stored in the brain. The change in location is thought to be helpful to individuals as they work to cope with these memories better. A person who has post traumatic stress disorder may respond well to EMDR treatment, which can enhance their other forms of therapy such as trauma-informed therapy. Coping with trauma in healthy ways is part of a good relapse prevention strategy.

Relapse Prevention

The addiction recovery process can be challenging and fraught with ups and downs. Some clients may be more vulnerable to relapse. Relapse prevention is a form of therapy that focuses on the strategies for preventing relapse from occurring. Therapists help clients to form strategies that will help them to successfully manage their triggers to abuse drugs and alcohol. Clients also spend time learning to identify the stages of relapse. By becoming more proficient in the identification of these stages, they can better manage them.

Life Skills Training

Years of alcohol and drug abuse can take a toll on many aspects of a person’s life. Life skills training can help them develop skills that promote healthy living. Engaging in healthful ways of living supports recovery and can help a person prevent relapse. Improving time management and communication skills, for example, can be helpful as a person rebuilds their life in the context of sobriety. Quantum features many alternative and holistic skills such as life skills training that can support long-term recovery.

Vocational Training

After completing their rehab program, many clients will return to their lives and to work. However, if they don’t have a job or want to change their job, they may be in need of some vocational training. A person who has been away from the work world for a while may feel out of step. At Quantum, we want to make it easier for them to find a job and perform well. Work can form a major part of a person’s healthy daily routine. With vocational training, clients can learn important skills related to a wide range of jobs and careers.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a treatment cornerstone at addiction treatment centers all over the country. The group format provides a supportive environment for clients where they can learn together about how to manage substance use disorders. Clients participate in therapist-led discussions and are able to share their own insights and feelings about drug and alcohol abuse as well as the recovery process. Group therapy is used for many different treatment modalities.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy provides clients with an alternative to traditional in-office treatments. It gives clients the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new setting with alternative treatment modalities. The setting might be in a music or art studio. It might involve outdoor activities like hiking. It could involve animal interactions as in the case with equine therapy. Not all clients are comfortable with traditional talk therapy or sometimes they simply need a break from the therapeutic process. Experiential therapy provides a terrific therapeutic balance with other treatments.

One on One Therapy

Not all addiction treatment centers prioritize one-on-one therapy, but at Quantum, we do. However, different clients have different treatment needs. Some clients need more one-on-one time with a therapist than others. For instance, a client with a dual diagnosis may need more direct support from a clinician. During individual therapy, clients and their therapist work together through the issues that are specifically relevant to their addiction recovery process. Individual therapy is also featured with multiple treatment modalities.

Family Therapy

If you have an addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs, or illicit drugs, it can take a toll on your life as well as your family. Our clients’ loved ones experience suffering too. That’s why family therapy is an important part of the recovery process for many clients and their families. During family therapy, a trained therapist helps family members understand addiction from a clinical perspective. The therapist helps each of the members communicate more effectively with one another and to learn the proper ways to support their loved one during their recovery. Most families in therapy can benefit from support as they try to heal from the pain addiction brought to their lives.

Trauma Informed Therapy (After PTSD)

In a basic sense, trauma-informed therapy takes a person’s past traumatic experiences and emotional distress into account when providing treatment for substance addiction or dual diagnosis. Past trauma and the emotional distress it causes are frequently triggers for abusing alcohol and drugs. This type of therapy can be helpful for many clients, but especially those recovering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness has become a popular holistic offering at many addiction rehab centers today. Fitness, of course, supports physical health, but there is substantial scientific evidence to suggest it enhances mental health too. When a person exercises, their body releases endorphins that not only support the healing of muscles and tissues from the exertions, but also the mind. Physical fitness can be naturally therapeutic. Running or even walking can help reduce feelings of stress or emotional distress. Many clients incorporate fitness into their long-term plans for managing their triggers to drink or use drugs.

Off Site Activities

Traditional in-rehab therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy are ideal for treating alcohol or drug addiction, but sometimes it’s helpful to break up the treatment routine with off-site activities. These activities can be a great way for clients to de-stress and enjoy spending time with other clients in recovery. Off-site activities can be therapeutic, providing clients with sober-friendly ways to spend time. These activities might include seeing a play, hiking, or time at the beach. Like other alternative therapies, off-site activities can enhance the recovery process.

Holistic Addiction Treatment Near Princeton

Medically sanctioned addiction treatments have the support of the scientific community because they’ve been studied, and the studies demonstrate their efficacy. However, alternative and holistic treatments show great promise in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction; they haven’t been studied as rigorously but there is strong anecdotal evidence that they support recovery. Our holistic offerings complement our clinically driven treatment programs. Together, all of our addiction treatments support different aspects of the recovery process. Therapies like acupuncture, sound therapy, reiki, and yoga provide clients with benefits like stress relief and the practice of mindfulness. It’s common for clients to continue many forms of holistic therapy like yoga like after they complete rehab as a form of recovery maintenance. 

Alcohol u0026 Drug Rehab for Active Military Members & Veterans

Multiple deployments, trauma, and job stress can take a toll on members of the military. The distress they suffer may not end with retirement. Many veterans also experience substance abuse problems related to their past experiences. At Quantum, our therapists are able to work closely with military members and veterans to help them discreetly identify the factors that led them to abuse drugs or alcohol. Then, together, we find effective strategies for managing those triggers so they can begin their recovery journey.

Stresses Of Military Life for Active Service & Family Members

Moving from place to place and the stresses of military life can take a toll on active military personnel and their families. That stress is often compounded by the need that many feel to hide their struggles. That’s why Quantum offers discrete therapy programs for military members, veterans, and their family members to get the support they need to cope with their mental health and addiction struggles successfully. These issues will not go away unless they can be confronted safely and effectively with healthful treatments.

Specialized Addiction Treatment for Military Service Members & Veterans

Quantum Behavioral Health offers special treatment tracks for military service personnel and veterans. Everyone struggling with addiction can benefit from personalized treatment. Members of the military face challenges and struggles that are often related to their service. By focusing on these unique circumstances, we can help these clients manage their struggles more effectively whether they’re coping with alcoholism, drug addiction, or dual diagnosis. These conditions may be overwhelming now, but treatment can help clients learn to cope and manage them effectively.


Post traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that features symptoms such as recurrent flashbacks to the traumatic event, nightmares, severe emotional distress, panic, anxiety, and depression. A person who has experienced or witnessed one or many traumatic events can develop this condition. Without treatment, some individuals may turn to unhealthy forms of self-medicating involving drugs and alcohol. At Quantum, clients who have PTSD and alcoholism or drug addictions can get the support they need to manage both of their conditions. Clients with a dual diagnosis involving PTSD may benefit from medication management and various types of therapy.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health for Addiction Treatment if You Live in Princeton

If you are a resident of the greater Princeton, NJ area and are battling an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or both drugs and alcohol, Quantum Behavioral Health may be the resource you need to tip the scales and win the fight against your addiction. We offer flexible outpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs that provide individualized case based on clinically-derived therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapies and holistic therapy approaches that help enrich the recovery process. The outpatient programs at Quantum also allow for added flexibility so our clients can still keep their jobs, stay enrolled in their schooling, or even start new jobs and school programs while still getting the support necessary for recovery. 

Don’t wait to get the help you need and deserve – drug and alcohol addiction treatment is only a phone call way. The professional team at Quantum can help develop the ideal treatment program based upon your individual circumstances, experiences, and treatment needs. Leaving substance abuse disorder, along with the underlying problems that may be causing it, untreated will only cause them to worsen. Contact us today to discuss our admissions process and to begin your recovery journey. You can overcome your addiction, and we can help you each step of the way.