An addiction treatment facility should provide a warm, inviting, and secure environment that offers individuals comfort, safety, and privacy as they receive treatment and continue down the path to wellness. At Quantum Behavioral Health, we have designed our space to allow for a low-stress environment where all of our clients can focus on their well-being and prioritize recovery.
We also hold cleanliness and safety as top priorities at our addiction treatment facility, and even several years after the COVID19 pandemic, we have continued the cleaning and disinfecting protocols we developed during the pandemic to create a clean environment for our patients, staff, and visitors.
You are here to get well, and we make the promise to all of our clients to maintain a safe, clean, peaceful, and welcoming environment for healing and recovery.

To see our initial response to Covid-19, 
click here.

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

What Is Alcohol Rehab Like?

When you are living with an alcohol addiction, you have had thoughts of seeking help through an addiction treatment program but want to find an alcohol rehab that is suited to your specific needs and areas for healing. Quantum Behavioral Health offers a treatment center that is centered around providing customized treatment plans that are designed to foster optimal healing and personal growth so that you can find your way in addiction recovery while healing from the past. Our diverse team of medical professionals and addiction counselors are dedicated to your success in your recovery program and are ready to walk alongside you every step of the way as you discover a new lifestyle in addiction recovery.

Participating in an alcohol rehab program with Quantum Behavioral Health treatment centers will invite Newark residents to heal from alcohol addiction with the support of individualized treatment programs that are designed to support you in achieving your self identified goals for sober living. Alcohol addiction often stems from unresolved emotions or traumas that need to be addressed and proceed with the right forms of addiction therapy that will help you safely explore the root of those emotions and triggers while allowing you the space to learn methods of managing triggers and avoiding potential relapse behavior.

In order to provide you with a treatment plan that is right for you and your recovery journey, it is important for our team to gain a better understanding of your specific history with alcohol abuse. When you first arrive at the treatment center, you will meet with one of our compassionate admission specialists who will complete intake documents and initial assessments to help shed light on your unique circumstances and history with substance abuse. Once our team understands your specific needs for addiction treatment, we will be able to formulate a personalized treatment plan that will be sure to address your underlying causes of addiction while equipping you with the tools to live a balanced, successful life in addiction recovery. During this time, our team will consult with you and our onsite medical professionals to determine if alcohol detox is the appropriate first step to assist you in overcoming the physical dependence to alcohol. After you have successfully overcome the physical addiction to alcohol, you will be ready to dive deep into the emotional and mental addiction to alcohol through alcohol rehab programs.

What To Expect During Rehab?

When you are participating in an alcohol rehab program within the residential treatment program, your days will consist of individual therapy and group therapy sessions that are centered on uncovering your root causes of alcohol addiction. No one person wakes up one morning deciding to have an alcohol addiction. Your substance use disorder occurs over time as you experience hardships, emotional distress, or traumas that have impacted your ability to manage triggers or respond to negative or stressful experiences. In order to successfully overcome your drug and alcohol addiction along with learning how to manage triggers, patients will need to be supported through evidence-based therapy methods that help you heal from your underlying emotions and traumas while gaining the skills and coping strategies for living in addiction recovery. When you are not participating in therapy sessions, you will be invited to engage in various recreational and social amenities and activities within our treatment facility.. Patients will be able to reside within the treatment center with other patients going through the addiction recovery process that will often progress into long term friendships and support networks.

Your alcohol addiction treatment program may include the following evidence-based therapy methods:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dual -diagnosis treatment methodologies
  • 12 step programs including alcoholics anonymous
  • Family therapies
  • Holistic treatments such as meditation, yoga, art therapies, & nutritional guidance
  • Trauma therapies such as EMDR
  • Life skills attainment
  • Relapse prevention planning

How Long Is Alcohol Rehab?

Your alcohol addiction treatment program will be designed to meet your needs and time for an effective healing process. Each person will heal from alcoholism differently and will need varying lengths of time to complete an outpatient alcohol rehab program to the extent that the program will be effective. No alcohol addiction occurs overnight, and in most cases, this addiction likely progressed over a prolonged period of time. Similarly, no alcohol treatment programs happen ‘overnight’ or only last for a very short period of time. The most effective treatment programs provide ample time and space to fully heal from the root causes of addiction and alcoholism.

Residents in Newark, NJ and the surrounding areas have a great resource for outpatient alcohol rehab just a short distance away at Quantum Behavioral Health Services. Rather than placing emphasis on length of stay and asking the question of ‘how long is alcohol rehab’, our treatment center focuses on providing quality care for alcohol rehab that doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all type of timeline. Instead, the outpatient alcohol rehab programs at Quantum take the time needed to identify the root causes of an individual’s alcoholism and develop the tools necessary to achieve long-term sobriety thereafter.

Holistic Alcohol Rehab Near Newark, NJ

Healing from alcohol addiction requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on nurturing your body, mind, and spirit through holistic practices and therapies alongside evidence based therapy methods. Within our recovery center, patients will be provided with holistic therapies that will help to center yourself and relieve stress, anxiety, and process emotions and thoughts. Holistic therapies offered include mindfulness practices, yoga, healthy interpersonal skills, strength building, and distress tolerance abilities. These holistic practices can be used within your addiction treatment program and used independently when you transition back to a more normal lifestyle after completing alcohol rehab.

Breathwork Therapy

Breathwork therapy is often used to treat mental health disorders and support in addiction treatment as it is beneficial in decreasing stress and facilitating mindfulness. Patients will be guided through breathing exercises that help to provide grounding and relaxation especially during times of stress or challenges. As you process your underlying causes of addiction or undergo mental health treatment, breathwork therapy will help to regulate your emotions and provide a sense of calm that will help to center you to stay focused on your healing journey.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of addiction therapy that supports patients in establishing an understanding of how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors have contributed or influenced your addictive behaviors. CBT sessions can be facilitated within individual and group therapy processes that will help shed light and understanding on your triggers and stressors that have impacted your alcohol addiction while providing coping skills and techniques for relapse prevention in the future.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a method of addiction treatment that empowers patients to explore what has been at the root of your addictive behaviors. DBT sessions will incorporate different therapeutic exercises that will allow you to look further into how your emotional and thought processes have contributed to your negative or self destructive behaviors. DBT will focus on giving patients new life skills and methods for emotional regulation, conflict resolution, mindfulness practices, and healthy interpersonal skills. DBT will equip you with the ability to identify and manage triggers in order to foster living in addiction recovery.

Family Systems Therapy

Addiction is a disease that impacts the substance abuser and your loved ones around you. Many will experience discord within strong, loving relationships with friends and family while engaged in active addiction. Family systems therapy will provide a safe, supportive environment for you and your loved ones to process the distrust and challenges experienced throughout your alcohol addiction while also educating the family about how to support one another moving forward that fosters sober living. Families will learn healthy communication methods, establishing boundaries with one another, and holding each other accountable to their roles and responsibilities within the family to maintain relationships that encourage health and sobriety.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

For many individuals living with a substance use disorder, there is a history of trauma that has influenced your addictive behaviors. Trauma-informed therapy is a method of treatment that recognizes and honors the past history of trauma by allowing patients to lead the conversation at a rate that is comfortable and safe for you. Patients will be provided with therapeutic support to address and heal from the history of trauma while ensuring that patients will avoid retraumatization. Trauma informed therapy will support in relieving the harmful responses and triggers of trauma allowing you to maintain day to day life with ease and comfort.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health For Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

For Newark, NJ residents who are struggling with alcoholism, Quantum Behavioral Health Services is a great option to consider for outpatient alcohol treatment. Just as most addictions progress over time, alcoholism is no different. Therefore, effectively overcoming an addiction to alcohol most likely won’t happen overnight either. Healing from alcohol abuse will likely require a treatment program that supports longevity in treatment and support that continues even after you complete outpatient alcohol rehab through aftercare programs that help facilitate long-term success in recovery. At Quantum, our outpatient programs offer healing from addiction and alcoholism through an integrated approach to treatment and recovery that will help you develop a healthy lifestyle of sobriety that will allow you to lead a successful, fruitful life. Contact Quantum Behavioral Health Services today to have any of your questions about alcohol rehab answered and begin your road to recovery today.